Buried Love Series: Ashes of Regret

BOOK1 Chapter 1

Ryan held Linda close as they walked into their mansion after a week away. He looked around, his brow furrowed, and impatiently called my name.

"Where the hell is Sophia, that damn bitch?"

"She was told yesterday to be on her knees, ready to shine our shoes when we got back," Linda chimed in, a smug smile playing on her lips.

Just as Ryan was about to explode, the housekeeper, Michael, stepped forward nervously.

"Sir, Mrs. Walker has been… confined to the basement for a week now, on your orders."

Ryan went silent for a moment, the memory slowly returning. A week ago, Linda had disappeared while shopping. Ryan had searched for her all night, finally finding her the next morning, bruised and covered in hickies, huddled under a hotel blanket.

He had held her close, veins throbbing in his neck as he growled, "Who did this to you, Linda? Tell me!"

Linda had sobbed in his arms, her delicate finger trembling as she pointed at me. "It was… it was her… the men last night… they said Sophia sent them."

Panic seized me. I tried to explain, to tell him it wasn’t me, that I would never do such a thing. But Ryan wouldn’t hear it. His face was a mask of icy fury.

"Linda would never lie. She's too innocent." He spat the words at me, his voice dripping with venom. "Sophia, you venomous bitch, are you trying to destroy her completely?"

My blood ran cold. This was how he saw me. No matter what I said, it wouldn’t matter. He shoved me to the ground, kicking and punching me, slapping me across the face. In his rage, he screamed for the guards, who dragged me down to the basement. He brought in a dozen thugs, their faces hard and cruel.

"You goddamn whore! How dare you pull such a sick stunt on Linda! You’re going to pay for every bit of pain you’ve caused her!”

I lay helpless at his feet, clutching at his pants leg, begging. "Ryan, please! I'm pregnant with your child! For the sake of our baby, please, just investigate this!"

But I had overestimated my place in his heart. He didn’t even care about the child I carried. He kicked me in the stomach, his face contorted with rage. "Don't you dare talk about the baby, you lying slut! You know damn well that bastard isn't mine!"

"You touched Linda, so you're going to suffer the consequences." He gestured to the men, his eyes filled with disgust. "Have your fun, boys. Don't hold back. And don't stop until I tell you to."

For a week, he never asked about me. For seven days and nights, I was tortured until I wished for death. Without Ryan’s orders, those men wouldn't stop. They beat me, they raped me. I fought back until I had no strength left, until all I could do was beg for mercy. But they didn’t listen.

The pain slowly gave way to numbness, then coldness. My body was a canvas of wounds, fresh ones layered over old. The basement floor was slick with my blood.

I don’t know how many days passed before someone wrapped their hands around my throat, squeezing the life out of me. I died in that cold, dark basement, forgotten and alone.

BOOK1 Chapter 2

"Ryan, honey, give me a hand. This stuff is killing me!" Linda struggled with the overflowing shopping bags in the trunk of the Lamborghini.

Ryan chuckled and ruffled her hair. "You goofball. Let me take care of that." He gathered the bags and followed Linda inside, catching the worried look on Michael’s face.

"Spit it out, Michael. What is it?" Ryan snapped.

Michael hesitated. "Sir, about Mrs. Walker… Shouldn’t we… let her out now?"

Ryan scoffed. "Mind your own business, Michael. What did that bitch offer you to stick your neck out for her?"

Michael swallowed hard, his face pale. "Sir, the… the smell coming from the basement… it’s… well, it’s been a week, and the metallic scent… it’s quite strong. Are you sure Mrs. Walker is… alright?"

"She's fine. A little bloodletting won’t kill her. We'll deal with her later." Ryan dismissed him with a wave of his hand. "She messed with Linda, she’s gonna pay. End of story."

Michael opened his mouth to protest, but Linda cut him off. "Michael, you may be an old friend of the family, but Ryan is the master of this house. You wouldn't want to disobey him, would you?"

Michael, defeated, said nothing more and retreated. Linda snuggled up to Ryan on the couch, a triumphant smile on her face.

"Ryan, you promised. Once you divorce that witch, you'll marry me, right?" She batted her eyelashes playfully. "Don't go back on your word now."

Ryan held her tighter, kissing her eyelids. "Of course, darling. When have I ever lied to you?" He frowned, his face clouding with disgust. "If it wasn't for that manipulative bitch, Sophia, trapping me with that fake pregnancy, I would have never married her in the first place."

"Her family's influence was too strong. But thanks to her little stunt with Linda, I finally have a reason to get rid of her for good." He clenched his fists. "God, Linda, every time I think about what she did to you, I just want to…"

Linda buried her face in his chest. "It's okay, Ryan. I know she was just jealous and wanted to ruin me. If she just apologizes, I can forgive and forget."

Ryan’s eyes softened. "You're too good, Linda. That’s why that bitch took advantage of you. It breaks my heart."

They continued their sickeningly sweet display of affection, oblivious to my presence. I seethed with rage, wishing I could become a vengeful spirit and make them suffer as I had. But my hands passed right through them, a stark reminder that I was dead. There was no revenge for me.

BOOK1 Chapter3

After a while, Ryan pulled away, his voice hard. "Linda, you just wait. I'm going to make that bitch pay. She'll be groveling at your feet, begging for forgiveness."

"Just knowing you'll make her pay is enough for me, Ryan," Linda purred.

They made their way down to the basement, Ryan kicking the door open with a loud bang.

"Sophia! Get your ass out here and apologize to Linda!"

But, of course, I couldn't answer.

Silence. Ryan grew impatient. He motioned to the guards. "Break it down."

The guards smashed the metal door open, and the stench of blood and decay hit them like a wall. Ryan’s face paled slightly, but he quickly masked his reaction. Linda wrinkled her nose in disgust. "What the hell is that smell? It’s disgusting! Let's just go, Ryan."

Ryan hesitated.

I sneered. They wanted to know what it smelled like? It was the smell of death. The stench of rotting flesh and congealed blood was so overpowering that even the guards grimaced.

Ryan sensed something was wrong. "Linda, wait out here. The smell is too much. I'll drag that bitch out here myself and make her apologize.” He turned to Michael. "You first."

Ryan followed Michael cautiously, but Linda grabbed his arm.

"Ryan, be careful. Don't be too harsh. We just need her to agree to the divorce, remember? We don't want people thinking we’re breaking up your marriage. It’s for your reputation, darling." Tears welled up in her eyes.

Ryan embraced her. "You're so thoughtful, Linda. I'll take care of it."

He followed Michael into the dark, musty basement, lit only by a single dim bulb. He didn't notice the dried blood crunching under his shoes – my blood.

He stood in the center of the room and yelled, "Sophia! Get the hell out here!"

His voice echoed in the silence. I floated behind him, staring at my own lifeless body tied to a pillar, my head twisted at an unnatural angle. The dim light hid the full extent of the horrors inflicted upon me.

Ryan scoffed. "Turn on the damn lights!"

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